Restart the service

You can restart Xen Orchestra by accessing XOA via SSH (or console) and running systemctl restart xo-server.service.

To check the status of xo-server, use systemctl status xo-server.service, it should display something like this:

xo-server.service - XO Server Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/xo-server.service; enabled) Active: active (running) since Thu 2014-08-14 10:59:46 BST; 21min ago Main PID: 394 (node) CGroup: /system.slice/xo-server.service └─394 node /usr/local/bin/xo-server Aug 14 10:59:46 xoa systemd[1]: Starting XO Server... Aug 14 10:59:46 xoa systemd[1]: Started XO Server. Aug 14 10:59:48 xoa xo-server[394]: WebServer listening on